I wanted to compile a list of some of my favorite musical theatre songs. This is in no particular order and I’m sure I will be constantly adding to this list. For whatever reason, I find all of these songs particularly comforting. That being said, here are songs that I could always listen to, no matter how I’m feeling.
1. “I Want You” - The Girl From North Country
Am I really starting this off with a song from a “jukebox” musical? Hear me out. As a creative writer, jukebox musicals can feel like my worst enemy, but there are a few I can tolerate. And this is one of them. It helps that the story of this show is especially intriguing. I find this version of the Bob Dylan song beautiful. As a huge Colton Ryan fan I’m a bit biased, but seriously the arrangements of this version are gorgeous. Slowing down this song really highlights the well written lyrics and the sweet meaning of the song. By doing this one really grasps the longingess in the song. Not to mention, the song is just so relaxing. It’s interesting how a song can drastically change just by altering its orchestrations.
2. “Falling Slowly” - Once
This entire musical is masterful, but this song in particular sticks out. My interpretation of this song is about two people who are falling in love but beginning to struggle with their relationship. Guy plays this song for Girl when they are first getting to know each other. This song is used to foreshadow their relationship. The song itself is serene.
3. “Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin’”- Oklahoma (specifically the 2019 Broadway cast version)
This song is a classic! I love to listen to this song on days where there is not a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining down on me. This song makes me happy and makes me appreciate the beauty of our world, even though there are so many evil things within it. I like the orchestrations of the revival version in particular and because the fact that Damon Daunno’s voice is so unique. I’m a sucker for when old music is revised and made to sound new.
4. “Love Thy Neighbor” - The Prom
This song is upbeat and fun. And who doesn’t love a good dance break? If you’re familiar with this show you’d know that the character Trent is trying to prove why The Bible is not the end all be all source for how one should live their life. He tells the ignorant teens that the most important rule of The Bible is to care for everyone no matter what. Here, a meaningful message is displayed through comedy. I love that the writers were able to do both, make lighthearted jokes while being able to prove that loving who you want to love is not immoral. The song takes actual examples from The Bible to show the many contradictions the text makes. It’s like an essay, but in musical form.
5. “Louder Than Words”- Tick, Tick…Boom!
This is one of my all-time favorite songs, simply because it’s by one of my all-time favorite writers, Jonathan Larson. It’s incredibly uplifting, sending the message that we have to do all that we can with our time, creating something that we believe in. And it faces the reality that if we don’t work hard to make a difference, we will regret it. Larson did exactly this, he worked on his music relentlessly, wanting to leave the world better than he found it. Not to mention, the music itself is beautiful. I hope that one day I can write a song as meaningful.
6. “Figure Me Out” - It’s Kind Of A Funny Story
I only recently came across this song. This musical is adapted from the novel (by Ned Vizzini) with the same name. I really related to this novel, though I may not be as smart as the main character, Craig. This musical has not had a full-on production yet, but I hear there is a cast album in the works. Yes, Colton Ryan is singing for Craig…. what about it? It's not my fault Colton Ryan is apart of so many good projects or that his voice is silky smooth. The style of this song reminds me a lot of "The Lightning Thief" musical, which has a pop-rock vibe. The music in this song is exciting and energetic, yet the character is frustrated and depressed. He’s struggling to manage his life, but he wants to change, he just doesn’t know how. I also like the complex vocal arrangements and the subtle references to the book. Gaspirini perfectly captures how the character Craig is feeling, just like in the novel.
7. “A Little Closer” - Dear Evan Hansen
Yes, another song that Colton Ryan performs… shocker. This song could be sung by any talented performer and it would still mean the world to me. It’s also particularly soothing and it’s a nice song to fall back on when I’m having a rough day. It reminds me that I’m on the right track and I have been improving overall even if there are still difficult days. I think this is a message everyone can relate to.
8. “Seeing You” - Groundhog Day The Musical
Let’s start off by recognizing that this musical is criminally underrated and so is writer, Tim Minchin. This song makes the perfect uplifting conclusion to such a crazy story. To me, the music feels so powerful. This song shows that after all Phil has endured, days and events blending together for what is likely years, he is still able to find joy in life. This is a love song, not only to life, but to Rita, who Phil becomes infatuated with. The music at the ending of this song is so cool because it ends in the same way the show starts.
Thanks for reading my thoughts! I'd love to know your opinions on these songs as well! If you’re interested, click here to listen to the full playlist I have created with all these songs. I will be updating the playlist whenever I feel I have found another of my favorite musical theatre songs!